Scuba Course, 4 Hours and First Scuba Dive of the Season, 4 hours: My first week of action was marked by the completion of my scuba refresher course. I had been out of the equipment for almost 3 years and the course marked a reengagement with skills that I thought I had lost. Amazingly over the two years I had not lost as much as I thought I had lost and over the course of the refresher course I managed to improve my buoyancy control which would has always been my largest challenge in scuba diving. It was a challenge to get back into the water but one that felt good to overcome. We worked collaboratively with the Hannack family to move the equipment.
Photography For UN Day 4 hours:
This was the first time I worked in the capacity as an official photographer attempting to capture the spirit of the event. It wasn't as easy as I thought it was going to be. Capturing the tone and spirit of the event is hard. At first I was trying to take pictures that had a wide focus and encompassed all the people that were present. However the best photos from the event ended up being the more intimate portraiture. It was a lesson in creativity that I plan to experiment with more in the future.
(Photos can be seen here:,
Pursuit of Happiness Project