While at the beginning of the year of COMUN Executive community I was passingly familiar with most if not all off the issues that COMUN dealt with. However, as I came to learn over the course of the year that familiarity was only glancing. During my work with General Assembly 4 I spent a lot of time learning about the international law surrounding conflict resolution. Particular surprising and interesting to me was exploring the international law surrounding nuclear disarmament. I worked to engage with issues of global importance and to consider the ehtical impplications of every resolution passed. The angels which we aproached the issues, in the case of GA4 international law, were new to me.Executive Committee this year was a real crash course in leadership and organization. I learned how to organize and structure debate topics and how to lead delegates and inspire them. I learned a lot about the nature of commitment. It took a lot trial and error to learn to balance things in the role of a leader, balancing being jovial and strict, being kind and pushing kids to do their best. I had planned and initiated activities before but of course none of this scale and importance. I think my strengths lie in my small group interactions, expeccially when working colaborativly with others, which was a huge part of the COMUN Executive comitty expeirence. I worked really hard to make sure the delegates of my committee this year felt comfortable coming to me to ask questions. I like to think that I am good with people even if I can’t always be comfortable around them one hundred percent of the time. I like to tell stories to, which means that in succinct debate I am not always in my element, but I means as a speaker to a crowd and as a speaker to people I am good. In order too suceed next year I am going to keep this improved awareness of my areas for furrther growth. There is so much I need to work on. I need to improve my focus when charring and my organization my consistency. I have tried many “cure all” methods of organization that haven’t worked for me, but I am committed to continuing to try and develop methods for my personal organization. That in turn I am sure will help me improve my research and my consistency as a leader and an organizer of events. I plan to take on the role of Security General for COMUN next year, which is a big job and which i hope will show my persiverance and comitment to the MUN comunity.
This year was a year of learning for me when it came to SCUBA diving. I improved my skills in many way and focused on concertedly on improving those areas that I had already identified as areas for growth. I have always had a hard time with my bouancy control and have conistently over estimated or underestimated the amount of air needed in my Bouancy Control Device (BCD). This year I think I improved my use of the BCD, but not to the extent needed to become a true diving proffesional. In fact, I suffered awful coral burns on my hands this year due to a buyancy mishap. I did however learn many new skills this year and undertook new challanges. Diving to deeper depths requires many new skills sets, as well as search and rescue procedures which where mor chalanging than i had thought they would be, thoug that may have been sense I undertook that part of my training ununder the worst visibility conditions I have ever seem. The visibility distance was less that a meter, had II turned around I would not have been able to see my own fins.
This year two of my big items of participation with the school were the International School theater competition and subsquent highschool production (for which I earned best suporting actress award) and the doing the lighting for both Music Makers and Tales from arabian nights. Though I hadp rediced my participation with the former the later came as a surprisse to me and allowed me to add many new skills to my theater skill set. In the course of this activity I learned to work 2 new different lighting systems and had to oprunity to do lights for a professional dance company. I also had to work colaborativly with both the middle school production and the mucisians to be able to create lighting plans that used the lights to thier full advatnage with the productions.
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